Friday Things: 1/23/2015
So I’m not very good at posting Things every week. I’m not sure whether I want to make myself be better about it or give up the venture entirely. We’ll see what happens. This week, anyway, you’re in luck! It appears that Haruki Murakami, one of my Very Favorite Authors, is writing an advice column. […]
Friday Things 12/19/14
Two weeks in a row! I’m on a roll! Here are some Things from around the internet, in bullet form: The Atlantic examines reading trends: more people claim to be reading a book now than they have in the past. “A Reader’s Book of Days,” suggestions for Christmassy readings on The Millions. Book Riot has a […]
Friday Things: 12/12/2014
Here’s something new. In my efforts at blog-subject expansion, I’m going to attempt a weekly feature called Friday Things. I could be alliterative and call it the Friday Five, but I have more than five things to show you, and I’m sure I’ll have more or fewer in the future. All of these Things didn’t […]