Christmas tree FAIL. Plus super-tasty gingerbread muffins!
So, as you saw in the last post, we got a beautiful Christmas tree, and everything was going swimmingly. Even Zelda was (mostly) leaving it alone. I took the plunge and strung up the lights and garland, and Palmer put the angel on top. Pretty nice, right? (I’ll give you one guess why […]
Yay Christmas! (And we survived Thanksgiving.)
The various end-of-the-year holidays are always exciting, but for me, it’s all just a build-up to Christmas. It’s been so long since I’ve lived in New Orleans now that it’s eclipsed Mardi Gras in my Hierarchy of Awesome Holidays, and I start looking forward to it once the first Fall cold snap hits. Speaking of […]
Food: Not pretty enough for Pinterest, but tasty as all hellz (a recipe for Shepherd’s Pie)
I’ve been planning on (re)introducing food posts to this blog for a while, now, so here goes. (It’s a particularly good time because I need to review The Bone Clocks but am having a hard time settling it in my mind.) I have a ginormous stack of cookbooks at home, but I tend to get most […]